HT 5

HT 5

5 1/4 inch Two-Way Bookshelf Speaker


Product Specificaties

Recommended Amplifier Power (RMS)
130 Watts
Nominal Impedance
8 ohms
Sensitivity (2.83 volts @ 1 meter)
Frequency Response
50Hz – 20kHz (–6dB)
Crossover Frequency(ies)
High-Frequency Transducer (Tweeter)
1 inch (25mm) pure titanium Dome with Bi-Radial horn
Low-Frequency Transducer (Woofer)
5 1/4 inch cone
$899.95 per pair
14lb (6.4kg)
Dimensions (H x W x D)
13 5/8 inch x 6 13/16 inch x 10 inch 346 x 173 x 254mm

The 2-way HT5 loudspeaker with Bi-Radial horn is the perfect complement to the HT4V and HT4H speakers. Place the HT5 in the 2 surround-channel positions to re-create the atmosphere called for in many of the latest movie soundtracks.

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