JBL Tour One

JBL Tour One

Trådløse, omsluttende hovedtelefoner med støjreduktion

Sold from 2021 until now

Getting started with your JBL Tour One

Getting started with your JBL Tour One

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Weight (g)
Enheds-størrelser (mm)
Enheds-følsomhed ved 1kHz/1mW (dB)
95 dBSPL @1kHz
Dynamisk frekvensområde (Hz)
["10 Hz - 40 kHz (Passive)", "10 Hz ~ 22 kHz (Active)"]
Impedans (ohm)
Audio Cable Length (ft)
Audio Cable Length (m)
Dybde (cm)
Ear Cup Depth (in)
Højde (cm)
Ear Cup External Height (in)
Bredde (cm)
Ear Cup External Width (in)
Indre bredde (cm)
Ear Cup Internal Height (in)
Indre højde (cm)
Ear Cup Internal Width (in)
Hovedtelefonernes kabel-længde (m)
Headphone Cable Length (ft)
HFP V1.7, A2DP V1.3, AVRCP V1.6
2.4 - 2.4835 GHz
Bluetooth sender-modulation
Bluetooth sender-effekt
<8 dBm EIRP
Ladetid (timer fra helt afladet)
Maksimal spilletid uden aktiv støjreduktion (timer)
Maksimal spilletid med aktiv støjreduktion (timer)
Maksimal spilletid (timer)
Charging cable
Remote control on ear cups
Adaptiv støjreduktion
Lader lyd fra omgivelserne passere
Indbygget mikrofon
Håndfri opkald
Genopladeligt batteri
Multifunktionel TalkThru-knap
Flight adapter

Styr dine omgivelser. Styr din produktivitet.

Tag kontrol over dine omgivelser, og sæt skub i din produktivitet med JBL’s utrolige pro-lyd. Med smart intuitiv betjening, overlegen ydelse og elegant design eliminerer JBL Tour One forstyrrelser i realtid med ægte adaptiv støjreduktion, så du kan fokusere på dit arbejde eller fordybe dig i musikken. Hør eller udeluk lyde og stemmer omkring dig med Smart Ambient, og nyd krystalklare opkald, selv i støjende og blæsende omgivelser, med et tryk på en knap. Den certificerede HD-lyd understøtter frekvenser op til 40 kHz. Det er din sikkerhed for en ideel lytteoplevelse, som varer hele dagen med imponerende 50 timers konstant afspilning. Få mest muligt ud af JBL Tour One-funktionerne med den gratis app.

Har du svært ved at finde ro og fordybelse? Skab dit ideelle miljø med JBL Tour One ægte adaptiv støjreduktion. Fordyb dig i musikken, luk uønsket støj ude, og fokusér på dine mål. Støjreduktionsniveauet tilpasses løbende de skiftende omgivelser, når du fx går en tur.
Din musik vil altid lyde fantastisk takket være de dynamiske enheder på 40 mm: fra fyldig og kraftfuld bas til spændende toner i toppen. JBL Tour One-hovedtelefonerne er HD-lyd-certificerede og understøtter frekvenser op til 40kHz. Det er din sikkerhed for, at musikken altid lyder så godt som muligt.
Fremhæv din stemme, fjern støjen. JBL Tour One har 4 mikrofoner på ørekapslerne, som giver fremragende opkaldskvalitet. Med 2 adaptive, stråleformede mikrofoner gengives stemmer tydeligt og præcist. Teknologien med akustisk ekkoreduktion reducerer både ekko og støj. Føl glæden ved at samtale ansigt til ansigt - i alle dine møder og opkald. Med VoiceAware kan du regulere omfanget af det mikrofoninput, der sendes tilbage til ørepropperne, og vælge hvor meget du vil høre af din egen stemme.
Fasthold opmærksomheden på verden omkring dig, mens du nyder din musik med Smart Ambient-teknologi. Eller tag en hurtig snak med en ven eller kollega via TalkThru, så du ikke behøver slukke for din musik. Styr disse funktioner med et enkelt tryk på en knap, og finindstil dem via appen.
Skab det perfekte lydunivers, hvor du kan fokusere fuldt og helt på dine opgaver. Har du brug for stilhed? Skab en lydløs boble med SilentNow, hvor støjreduktionen er aktiv, mens musikken er slukket. Dette hjælper dig også med at spare batteritid - ligesom Auto Off, der slukker dine hovedtelefoner efter en selvvalgt tidsperiode. Vågn op til My Alarm, finjuster din lyd med Smart Audio & Video, og nyd hvordan hovedtelefonerne automatisk sættes på pause, når du tager dem af (Auto-Pause). Alle disse funktioner styres med My JBL Headphones-appen.
Dine JBL Tour One-hovedtelefoner holder dig forbundet dagen lang. Du får 25 timers afspilning med aktiv støjreduktion - og hele 50 timer kun med Bluetooth.
Aktiver din stemmeassistent med et enkelt tryk eller kommandoord for nem adgang til din digitale verden. Den præcise stemmeteknologi sikrer, at dine kommandoer går klart igennem. Stemmebeskeder er tilgængelige på flere sprog. (*) Understøttes kun på Android. (**) Android 6.0 eller højere er påkrævet for fuld adgang til Alexa-funktioner, når denne enhed bruges.
My JBL Headphones-appen gør dit liv personligt: Indstil din personlige klang, tænd den adaptive støjreduktion, eller juster dine indstillinger for Ambient Sound Control. Hent appen gratis i din App Store.

FAQs &amp; How-Tos

19 results
  • Yes, the headphones have Multipoint Connection, which allows you to switch seamlessly between the connected devices. 
  • Press volume + and volume - simultaneously for 5 seconds to reset.
    The headphone must be ON while doing this.
  • • Always have clear line of sight between your Bluetooth device (speaker, headphones etc.) and source device (Smartphone/tablet/PC etc). Be aware of obstacles in front of your devices.

    • Try to shutdown other products that have Bluetooth, but are not being used. They are often the reason for interference even though they are not being used.

    • Do not stand too close to your Wi-Fi router since a Wi-Fi signal is stronger and in many cases will "overlap" the connection.

    • Be aware of walls around you. Concrete and brick walls will often interrupt the signal, as it cannot pass through such thick walls.

    • Bluetooth signals cannot travel through water, which includes the human body. Make sure with wireless headphones to keep your source device and the receiver on the same side of your body.

    • Open spaces such as parks can cause issues for your devices, as open air is "bad" for any Bluetooth signal if it cannot reflect from objects around you.
  • Visit the App Store and download the ‘Amazon Alexa’ App.

      Set up Amazon Alexa #1.png
    1. Click the Plus(+) button on the top right of the screen.
    2. Then select ‘Add Device‘.
    3. Select headphones from the list and then choose your Headphones from the list of available devices.
    4. Follow the rest of the instructions in the Alexa App to complete the setup.
  • If not pre-installed on your Android device, visit your App store to download the ‘Google Assistant’ App.

    After you have paired your JBL headphones to your device via Bluetooth, you should receive a pop-up notification (pictured below). Please tap the notification on your device to start the Google Assistant setup. You will now be directed to the Google Assistant App.

    Step 1

      Set up Google Assistant #5.png
    Follow the steps to connect and pair “JBL XXXX-LE” (depends on your model) with your devices.
    Once set up is complete, you will see the below screen:

    Step 2

    Set up Google Assistant #2.png

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to verbally interact with your Google Assistant via the headphone you must turn on the ‘Spoken Notifications’ in the Google Assistant App. This can be found under: Assistant Devices > Notifications. Alternatively, your JBL headphones can be added to the Google Assistant App manually by adding them as a Bluetooth device if this was not done when first paired. Google Assistant must be selected as your chosen voice assistant in the settings of the My JBL Headphones App also.
    Set up Google Assistant #3.png
    Set up Google Assistant #4.png
  • Visit your App store to download the ‘Google Assistant’ App.

    After you have paired your JBL headphones to your device via Bluetooth, you should receive a pop-up notification (pictured below). Please tap the notification on your device to start the Google Assistant setup. You will now be directed to the Google Assistant App.

    Step 1

      Set up Google Assistant #1.png
    Follow the steps to connect and pair “JBL XXXX-LE” with the Google Assistant App, the name will depend on your model.
    Once set up is complete, you will see the below screen:

    Step 2

    Set up Google Assistant #2.png

    PLEASE NOTE: To verbally interact with your Google Assistant via the headphone, you must turn on the ‘Spoken Notifications’ in the Google Assistant App. This can be found under Assistant Devices > Notifications. Alternatively, your JBL headphones can be added to the Google Assistant App manually by adding them as a Bluetooth device if this was not done when first paired. Google Assistant must be selected as your chosen voice assistant in the settings of the My JBL Headphones App also.
      Set up Google Assistant #3.png
    Set up Google Assistant #4.png
    Power off Tour One first and hold the ambient aware button on the left earcup for 2 seconds. You can get ANC on without Bluetooth connection, which will save your battery. Once you slide up the button on the right ear cup to power on, Bluetooth connection and music will return to normal.

      Manually activating Silent NOW #1.png

    Press and hold both right and left earbuds on Tour Pro+ TWS for 5 seconds at the same time. You can get ANC on without Bluetooth connection, which will save your battery. Once you press and hold both right and left earbuds for 5 seconds, Bluetooth connection and music will return to normal.

      Manually activating Silent NOW.png
  • The voice assistant you select in the initial set-up (pictured below) will be used as the default assistant on your headphones.

    Switching between voice assistant #1.png

    You can change the default assistant in the ‘My JBL Headphones’ app:
    1. Open the My JBL Headphones app on your device.
    2. Select the headphones you are connected too.
    3. Go to Settings by clicking the symbol in the top right corner.
    4. Select Voice Assistant.
    5. Now you can select your preferred voice assistant.
    Switching between voice assistant #2.png

    Your headphones may restart after switching Voice Assistant.
  • After setting up Amazon Alexa on your headphones through the My JBL Headphones app, use Amazon Alexa by pressing & holding the touch panel for 2 seconds on the earbud that you have enabled the voice assistant feature on.
      Trigger Alexa #2 FAQ.png

    Things to try
    • “What’s the weather?”
    • Play Niall Horan
    • Play NPR on iHeartRadio
    • Set a timer for 5 minutes
    • What new skills do you have?
    Stop Alexa when she talks
    While Alexa is talking, press and release the Action button then say “Stop”.

    For more information and things to try with Alexa, visit: www.amazon.com/alexadevices
  • After setting up Google Assistant on your headphones through the My JBL Headphones app, use Google Assistant by pressing & holding the touch panel for 2 seconds on the earbud that you enabled the voice assistant feature on.
    Trigger Google - #1 FAQ.png
    Press and hold the Action button to begin. Requires pairing with eligible phone and internet connection. For examples of questions and things you can do, visit: https://assistant.google.com/platforms/phones/#headphones

    Get your notifications
    Double-tap the Action button.

    Stop your Google Assistant
    Touch the Action button.

    Reply to the message (where available)
    After receiving a message notification, touch and hold the Action button to respond. When you’re done, release the button.

    For more information on what your Google Assistant can do, visit: https://assistant.google.com/platforms/headphones

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