Connection issues using PartyBoost or Connect+
Connection issues using PartyBoost or Connect+
If there are drop out or connection issues when using PartyBoost or Connect+, it could be one of three things.
1. Units are too far apart (move units closer together)
2. Interference from other 2.4gHz wireless units in the area.
3. Unit is no longer working as designed
Here are some steps to isolate the issue:
Try taking the units out of the house and test it outside with no interference to see if you still experience connectivity issues. If you still experience connectivity issues, please try steps below:
Whatever unit drops off, remove that from the chain. Test the rest of the speakers and keep doing it until you find the speaker that is causing the drop outs. If all speakers begin to drop off, please try a different order and repeat. Repeat this process with each unit being the “main speaker”.
Make sure to turn off all WiFi/RF devices. (Router, laptop, baby monitor, Nest cams, IP cams, WiFi switches, WiFi outlets, WiFi lights, cordless phones, etc.)
You should be able to identify the issue/speaker by following these steps.
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