

Professional dynamic instrument microphone

Aan de slag met uw D40

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Product Specificaties

Dynamic pressure gradient microphone
Polar Pattern
Audio frequency bandwidth
50 - 20000 Hz
Sensitivity at 1000 Hz
2.5 mV/Pa (–52 dBV re 1 V/Pa)
Equivalent noise level
18 dB(A) (IEC 60268-4)
Max. SPL for 1 % / 3 % THD
147 dB SPL / 156 dB SPL
Electrical impedance at 1000 Hz
≥ 600 Ohms
Recommended load impedance
≥ 2000 Ohms
104 mm
79 mm
44 mm
Net Weight
245 g
dark stage blue
Balanced XLR
Live Instrument
Drums / Percussion
Guitar Amps / Bass Amps

Sound in motion

The D40 professional instrumental microphone with its solid all-metal body will stand up to the hardships of night-after-night onstage use with a smile. Its patented Varimotion diaphragm uses a unique laminated material to damp high resonance peaks, leading to a quantum leap in audio performance. The transducer is protected by a sturdy wire-mesh cap and can take extremely high sound pressure levels with ease. An integrated stand adapter in combination with the included H440 mounting bracket makes the D40 a highly versatile tool for use on drums, percussion, wind instruments and guitar amps.

Provides crisp, powerful sound in all frequency ranges
For extreme situations without any distortion
For trouble-free use in narrow stage environments
Withstand tough day-by-day stage use
For easy mounting on drums and mic stands

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Zaterdag - Zondag: 10:00-16:00