

30cm (12in) High-performance modular gooseneck module - DAM Series

Aan de slag met uw GN30

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Product Specificaties


Proven reliability

The DAM Series GN gooseneck modules for permanent screw-on installation are available in three different lengths: 15cm (6in), 30cm (12in), 50cm (20in). Except for the GN30 OC with unterminated cable ends, all come with an in-line XLR phantom power adapter with integrated 250Hz bass rolloff, LED ring and ON/OFF jumper. A mini XLR connector eliminates the need for large holes in the furniture or time-consuming soldering work during installation. The gooseneck module fits all DAM Series capsules, CK31, CK32, CK33, CK47 and CK80, via highly reliable contacts.

For permanent installations
Eliminates time-consuming soldering work
For quick and hassle-free installation
For an extra-long life of reliability and stability
Prevent contact problems and ensure extra-long life

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