

Professional wireless handheld transmitter

Aan de slag met uw HT420

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Product Specificaties

Microphone head versions
Transmitter Synchronization
Audio frequency bandwidth
70 - 20 Hz
Signal to Noise
105 dB-A
THD at 1 kHz
237 mm
51 mm
Net Weight
214 g
Battery type
HR 6 AA (NiHM) rechargeable Battery
Number of batteries
Operating time
Up to eight hours with one AA Battery
Battery type
HR 6 AA (NiHM) rechargeable Battery
Number of batteries
Operating time
Up to eight hours with one AA Battery
Battery type
LR6 AA alkaline Battery
Number of batteries
Operating time
Up to eight hours with one AA Battery

No more cables

The HT420 analog high-performance wireless handheld transmitter features a dynamic microphone capsule for demanding vocal performances. The cardioid polar pattern ensures maximum gain before feedback and lets your voice cut through any mix. Its spring-steel wire-mesh front grille protects the transducer from the hardships of on-stage use. The HT420 provides a gain control for perfect adjustment of the input volume and a noiseless on/off/mute switch. A battery status indicator shows red before the battery goes dead, allowing the user to fully control his performance time.

Cuts through the mix
Saves money in day-to-day use and preserves the environment
Long operation time and a low battery indicator guarantee a secure operation
For easy operation
For immediate volume adjustment

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Zaterdag - Zondag: 10:00-16:00