JBL Tour One M2

JBL Tour One M2

Trådløse, omsluttende hovedtelefoner med støjreduktion

Sold from 2023 until now

Getting started with your JBL Tour One M2

Getting started with your JBL Tour One M2

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Enheds-størrelser (mm)
Number of Microphones
Enheds-følsomhed ved 1kHz/1mW (dB)
117 dB SPL@1 kHz
Dynamisk frekvensområde (Hz)
10 Hz - 40 kHz (passive), 10 Hz - 22 kHz (active)
Impedans (ohm)
Audio Cable Length (ft)
Audio Cable Length (m)
Dybde (cm)
Ear Cup Depth (in)
Højde (cm)
Ear Cup External Height (in)
Bredde (cm)
Ear Cup External Width (in)
Indre bredde (cm)
Ear Cup Internal Height (in)
Indre højde (cm)
Ear Cup Internal Width (in)
Vægt (g)
Earpiece Weight (oz)
A2DP 1.3.2, AVRCP 1.6.2, HFP 1.7.2
2400 MHz – 2483.5 MHz
Bluetooth sender-modulation
Bluetooth sender-effekt
<4 dBm
Ladetid (timer fra helt afladet)
Maksimal spilletid uden aktiv støjreduktion (timer)
Maksimal spilletid med aktiv støjreduktion (timer)
Maksimal spilletid (timer)
Charging cable
Aktiv støjreduktion
Adaptiv støjreduktion
Lader lyd fra omgivelserne passere
Indbygget mikrofon
Håndfri opkald
Den legendariske JBL Pro Audio Sound
Genopladeligt batteri
Spatial Sound
Multifunktionel TalkThru-knap
Ægte adaptiv støjreduktion

Fordyb dig i en problemfri lydoplevelse

JBL Tour One M2's ægte adaptive støjreduktionsteknologi fjerner forstyrrelser, så du kan nyde dine yndlingsplaylister - eller endda lyden af stilhed. Alt sammen drevet af den legendariske Hi-Res-certificerede JBL Pro Sound. Fordyb dig i fremragende, rumlig lyd på farten i op til 50 timer, eller nyd den klare 4-mikrofonsteknologi i dine telefonsamtaler. De integrerede mikrofoner genkender endda din stemme, så du kan have hurtige samtaler med dine hovedtelefoner tændt takket være Smart Talk-funktionen. Eller tænd for den personlige lydforstærkning for at øge lydstyrken af din og andres stemme - helt uden at tage hovedtelefonerne af.

Nyd dit livs soundtrack, uanset hvor du er. Den ægte adaptive støjreduktion bruger automatisk 4 støjfølsomme mikrofoner til at tilpasse sig dine omgivelser i realtid, hvilket minimerer distraktioner, når du skal koncentrere dig. Teknologien optimerer JBL Tour One M2's ydelse til en fremragende lydoplevelse, og du kan justere den aktive støjreduktion med JBL-hovedtelefonernes app.
JBL Tour One M2's krystalklare opkaldsalgoritme med 4 mikrofoner giver dig bedre samtaler, selv i støjende eller blæsende omgivelser, og nem adgang til hjælp fra din foretrukne stemmeassistent. Og med VoiceAware kan du vælge, hvor meget du vil høre af din egen stemme, ved at kontrollere hvor meget lyd der sendes fra mikrofonen til dine hovedtelefoner.
Bevar opmærksomheden på lydene omkring dig, mens du nyder din musik med Smart Ambient. Du kan kontrollere niveauet af omgivende lyde og aktivere den personlige lydforstærkningsknap via JBL Headphones-appen for at øge samtalens lydstyrke med +15-20 dB og justere balancen mellem venstre og højre kanal.
Takket være Smart Talk-funktionen behøver du ikke stoppe musikken for at føre en hurtig samtale: Den avancerede stemmegenkendelse reagerer på din stemme ved at sætte musikken på pause og aktivere TalkThru.
Takket være omfattende global forskning og test leverer den overlegne JBL-lydkurve præcis lyd og mindre forvrængning med al din yndlingsmusik ved alle frekvenser og lydstyrker. Tour One M2 40 mm-enhederne lader dig opleve den ultimative lyd, fra fyldig og kraftfuld bas til de klare toner i toppen.
Fordyb dig i JBL Spatial Sound, og få følelsen af at være i en teatersal, til koncert eller i studiet med din yndlingskunstner. Takket være denne patenterede teknologi kommer lyden nærmest fra alle retninger omkring dig, uanset kilden og hvilken enhed du afspiller fra.
Hør og mærk hver eneste tone på din playliste. Form din lyd, så den matcher din personlige lytteprofil, med interaktive tilpasningsværktøjer, der bruger præcise oplysninger om dig og dine præferencer til at give dig præcis den lydkurve, der passer bedst til dig.
Hold forbindelsen til din digitale verden hvor som helst. Bare sig "Hey Google" eller "Alexa" for at tale med din foretrukne stemmeassistent og styre dine hovedtelefoner med stemmekommandoer på flere sprog.
Find Bluetooth-tilbehør tæt på din enhed, og opret forbindelse med et enkelt tryk. Med Microsoft swift pair kan du nemt parre dine Bluetooth-enheder med din Windows 10-pc eller nyere.
Tilpas dit livs soundtrack. Du skal blot downloade den gratis JBL Headphones-app for at tilpasse EQ, slå adaptiv støjreduktion til, justere dit ANC-niveau eller indstillingerne for styring af omgivende lyd og tjekke din bedste pasform. Du kan også justere hovedtelefonernes funktion med touch-tilpasningen, eller tilpasse lydudgangen til lyd eller video for at få mest muligt ud af dit indhold, vælge din foretrukne stemmeassistent og meget mere.
JBL Tour One M2 har Bluetooth 5.3, som giver en mere stabil og sikker forbindelse, så du kan nyde den trådløse forbindelse på bedste vis. Med den nyeste Bluetooth-teknologi er JBL Tour One M2 klar til fremtiden. *Tilgængelig via OTA-opdatering på et senere tidspunkt.

FAQs &amp; How-Tos

12 results
  • Yes, with the feature “ShareMe”, you can pair your headphones to one Android compatible LE audio device and enjoy everything from a song to a podcast or even a movie with a friend. 

  • Yes, the headphones have Multipoint Connection, which allows you to switch seamlessly between the connected devices. 
  • The True Adaptive Noise Cancelling technology is a features which adjusts noise-cancelling levels in real-time, 50,000 times per second to account for environmental ambient noises and personal attributes such as movement, hair and eyeglasses to deliver best-in-class Noise Cancelling and immersive sound in any environment.  
    With the help of Feed Forward and Feed Backward microphones, the Adaptive Noise Cancelling technology fully monitors exterior sounds picking up low-frequencies and neutralizing them before they reach the ear. The headphones generate a sound that's phase-inverted by 180 degrees to the unwanted noise, resulting in the two sounds cancelling each other out. 
    In addition, all headphones allow the listener to adapt or adjust the level of ambient noise through features like Ambient Aware and TalkThru.

  • Swift Pair is the newest way to pair your Bluetooth peripherals Windows 10, version 1803 or above.


    1.     Put the Bluetooth peripheral in pairing mode

    2.     When the peripheral is nearby, your Windows device will show a notification

    3.     Selecting “Connect” starts pairing the peripheral

    4.     When the peripheral is no longer in pairing mode or is no longer nearby, your Windows device will remove the notification from the Action Center

  • • Always have clear line of sight between your Bluetooth device (speaker, headphones etc.) and source device (Smartphone/tablet/PC etc). Be aware of obstacles in front of your devices.

    • Try to shutdown other products that have Bluetooth, but are not being used. They are often the reason for interference even though they are not being used.

    • Do not stand too close to your Wi-Fi router since a Wi-Fi signal is stronger and in many cases will "overlap" the connection.

    • Be aware of walls around you. Concrete and brick walls will often interrupt the signal, as it cannot pass through such thick walls.

    • Bluetooth signals cannot travel through water, which includes the human body. Make sure with wireless headphones to keep your source device and the receiver on the same side of your body.

    • Open spaces such as parks can cause issues for your devices, as open air is "bad" for any Bluetooth signal if it cannot reflect from objects around you.
  • PSAP (Personal Sound Amplification) is a new feature accessible within the JBL Headphones App. When this feature is turned on, it works similar to Ambient Aware, but it focuses on picking up vocal frequencies in front of you. 


    1. GAIN: The Personal Sound Amplification function is designed to amplify sound in the vocal range, it can assist users with (limited) hearing loss to maintain conversations more easily, especially in noisy environments. It should then amplify the speech of the person sitting across from you, not the general ambient sound as with Ambient Aware. The algorithm uses beamforming to pick out the voice from the other sounds, much like what happens during a phone call, but instead of focusing on your own voice it focuses on the voice further away from you. The gain setting allows you to amplify those vocal frequencies.


    2. BALANCE: The balance setting adjusts the amplification effect between your left and right ears using the slider. When set to 0 (in the middle), both ears will receive the same amplification, but depending on the user’s personal needs/preferences, they can focus the amplification more towards either the left or right ear. 


    PSAP pics.PNG
  • The JBL Tour One M2 delivers the ultimate high fidelity audio experience wirelessly on-the-go or at home in perfect silence with customizable True Adaptive noise cancelling. 

    Listen to music nonstop for up to 50 hours in high resolution, via the Pro tuned 40mm high-res certified neodymium speaker drivers with audio customized to fit your hearing profile. Connect seamlessly to any Bluetooth device and experience spatial audio or increase overall awareness with the customizable ambient aware feature.

  • The Low Volume Dynamic EQ feature can optimize EQ, boosts low and high frequencies to maintain the same high-fidelity performance at low volume. When you listen to music in low volume, the whole music dynamic will be decreased due to low and high frequency volume reduction. Some music is best to enjoy at a higher volume, but this approach can hurt your ears. With Low Volume Dynamic EQ, you can still receive an enjoyable music experience even in low or high volume, and still protect your ears without compromising on the listening experience.

  • When you need to talk to someone in person while wearing headphones, the advanced built in voice recognition algorithms reacts to your voice and automatically pauses the music and enables TalkThru if you just speak. Music and ANC resume after the conversation is over. There is no need to pause the music manually or remove the headphones - start talking and let the technology do the rest. You can extend the duration of Smart Talk in the JBL Headphones app when no voice is detected.

  • JBL Tour One M2 has integrated high fidelity 40mm neodymium speaker drivers for exceptional high-fidelity sound. Each driver is perfectly tuned to deliver deep bass, balanced mid-range and refined high frequencies for the best on-the-go high fidelity audio listening experience. Super soft ear cushions for a comfortable snug fit and perfect seal. Only the best seal will ensure an immersive spatial audio experience in perfect silence. Use your device for the ultimate high resolution listening experience via Apple Music, Tidal Masters or Amazon Music Unlimited. Immerse yourself fully in spatial audio from any 2-channel audio source via Bluetooth with the JBL Spatial sound technology.  

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