HK 3770

HK 3770

Harman Kardon HK 3770 stereo receiver

Getting started with your HK 3770

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Stereo Power
120 watts per channel, two channels driven @ 6/8 ohms, 20Hz – 20kHz, <0.07% THD
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
250mV/27k ohms
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (IHF-A)
Frequency Response(@ 1W)
10Hz – 130kHz (+0dB/–3dB)
Power Consumption
<0.5W (standby)
Height (in)
Height (mm)
Width (in)
Width (mm)
Depth (in)
Depth (mm)
Power Requirement
120V AC/ 60Hz (USA); 220V-240V AC 50Hz/60Hz (EU)

High-performance 240 watt stereo receiver with analog & digital capacity and networked connectivity.

Harman Kardon’s reputation for excellence in sound quality and distortion-free power has moved forward to combine classic analog sound with modern digital connectivity. Discover 240 watts of power in a stereo receiver dedicated to complete connectivity for all your devices. The high-performance Harman Kardon HK 3770 stereo receiver delivers everything you need to drive any home audio system. With analog and digital connectivity, it features high power and offers a built-in, 192 kHz/24 bit DAC. Connect to your home network via Ethernet, playing all your local content over DLNA 1.5 or connect a storage device or any Apple iOS device via USB. Bluetooth® is included for high quality audio streaming from a broad range of devices. And, with built-in AM/FM radio and phono inputs, the HK 3770 eloquently bridges classic and modern audio – making it a truly powerful centerpiece for your home audio system. The HK 3770 also features HARMAN GreenEdge™ technology combines an environmentally friendly design with dramatic energy savings; all while maintaining HARMAN’s premium performance.

Den effekt, der kommer fra HK 3770-enhedensforstærkere med høj spændingskapacitet, giver dig det, du skal bruge, for at fåadgang til førsteklasses lyd fra alle dine afspilningskilder og elektroniskeenheder leveret til de højttalere, du vælger.
Få mest muligt ud af din signalvej med en 24-bit, 192 kHz DAC med højopløsning – som hjælper med at kombinere analog og digital i en stereoreceiver,så du får omgående adgang mellem enhederne.Med andre ord har din receivermulighed for at modtage alt, hvad der er tilgængeligt for dig i analog ellerdigital form – hvilket redefinerer ordet ‘stereoreceiver’, mens dit systemændres til et ægte underholdnings-/infotainment-center i dit design.
Oplev fordelene ved traditionelle, analoge komponenter uden at gå påkompromis med komforten og præcisionen fra moderne, digitale medier. Uanset omdu vil nyde lyden fra dine vinylplader via en analog grammofonindgang ellerforundres over mulighederne for programmering via din vTuner-internetradioadgang,så får du det bedste fra begge verdener – komplet med alle detilslutningsmuligheder og den interaktivitet, du vil have fra dine forskelligeelektroniske enheder. Netværk DLNA 1.5 og internetradio åbner døren for digitaladgang, mens du har mulighed for yderligere interaktivitet med iOS Direct viaUSB-indgange.
HK 3770 streamer lyd fra praktisk taget alle bærbare enheder. Denintegrerede Bluetooth®-teknologi tilbyder tilslutningsmuligheder tilnæsten alle tabletter, smartphones eller bærbare computere.
Harman Kardon Remote-app– fås fra iTunes App Store til iOS®-enheder og Google™Play-tjenesten til kompatible Android-produkter – udvider systemetsfunktionalitet ved at oprette forbindelse til din kompatible smartphone ellertablet for at drive HK 3770 – uden at du skal have fat i fjernbetjeningen. Dener også det perfekte værktøj til organisering og afspilning af din musik fradin mobile enhed og dit hjemmenetværk.

FAQs &amp; How-Tos

3 results
  • Please refer to the owner's manual for AVR 151 or 151S. The procedure is explained there. The remote control contains a number of pre-programmed command sets that can be activated to control TV sets, disc players and other devices of various brands.
  • 1. Place the 3770 in Bluetooth input mode with the BT button on the front panel or the remote. 2. Do a BT search on the phone, until you find HK3770. Then pair with it. 3. Now you can select the HK3770 as audio source on your phone, depending on the phone. On some phones, you can simply begin to play music after performing the pairing, and the HK3770 will play, if it is in Bluetooth input mode, shown on the front panel display. 4. You can control play/pause etc. from either your phone or from the HK3770 remote control. If you want to use the HK3770 remote, you must first press the STEREO Button on the remote control in order to activate the correct remote codes. Now a press on the PAUSE Button on the HK3770 remote will pause the music by placing your phone on pause, and you can restart play by pressing the PLAY Button. 5. To pair another source to HK3770, first deactivate BT on the source presently paired to release new pairing.
  • There are five possible reasons for the receiver shutting down. 1. There is a problem internally with the receiver. 2. There is a problem with one or more of your speakers. 3. There is a problem with one or more of your speaker wires. 4. There is a problem with the speaker wiring done on your system. 5. The unit is overheating. No ventilation. First, check the wiring at every speaker terminal at the back of your receiver and at the back of your speakers. A single strand of speaker wire crossing from one terminal to another would be enough to cause the amp to shut down or go into PROTECT. If you do not find any problems with any of the wiring, you should disconnect all speakers from your receiver. If the receiver continues to go into PROTECT, the problem is in the receiver. Please submit a case on the Contact Us page. They will be able to assist you. However, if it turns on, the problem is elsewhere. Begin reconnecting one speaker at a time. Eventually you will connect a speaker that will cause the receiver to shut down. At this point you have found your culprit. On the other hand, it may just be overheating. You must have at least 2 - 3 inches of space between the top of the unit and any shelf or component above the unit. The unit should not be inside a sealed compartment when being used. The unit must be able to breath. There are very powerful amps in these receivers. If they run too hot, they will shut down. An external fan can help this.

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