JBL PBM100 Wired Microphone

JBL PBM100 Wired Microphone

Dynamisk vokalmikrofon med kabel

Sold from 2020 until now

Getting started with your JBL PBM100 Wired Microphone

Getting started with your JBL PBM100 Wired Microphone

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Polært mønster
50Hz- 15 kHz
Elektrisk impedans
600 ohm
6,3 mm lydudgang
tre tilslutningsben
Ø46.7mm x L188mm
110 g

Syng med hvor som helst og når som helst med JBL PartyBox og PBM100 Dynamic Vocal Mic

Tilslut den, og sæt gang i festen med den nye JBL PBM100 mikrofon med ledning – den perfekte vokalmikrofon til din JBL PartyBox-højttaler. PBM100 er specielt designet til parring med hele serien af JBL PartyBox-højttalere, så du får en enestående lydoplevelse. Med den nemme plug and play opsætning kan du straks synge med på dine yndlingsnumre. PBM100 forvandler dine fester til fællessang for superstjerner, så du med garanti får minder for livet. Sæt gang i festen!

JBL's legendariske lydteknologi i en vokalmikrofon.
Du skal bare tilslutte den din PartyBox og synge med
Det nyreformede mønster indfanger effektivt stemmer og minimerer støj fra omgivelserne, hvilket er ideelt til sang.
Elegant, solidt og holdbart kabinet i pro-kvalitet.
Undertrykker blæst og baggrundsstøj, så du kan levere en stjerneoptræden uden forstyrrelser.

FAQs & How-Tos

2 results
  • Microphone Cleaning (handheld mics)

    There are two very important reasons to keep your microphone clean.

    1. Hygiene/Germs, especially when a mic is used by multiple people, can unknowingly be spread.
    2. Dried spit, dust, dirt and debris can build up in the screen and sponge, negatively affecting the microphones’ ability to accurately pick up and reproduce the voice or instrument.

    To clean the microphone…

    1. Remove/Unscrew the grille from the microphone, turning counter-clockwise.
    1. Remove the foam from the inside of the grille.
    1. Wash the foam with warm water and dish soap.
    2. Clean the grille with any household non-abrasive disinfectant/cleaner.
    3. Thoroughly dry both the grille and the foam.
    4. Insert the foam into the grill.
    5. Screw the grille back onto the microphone, turning clockwise.


    NOTE: For quality purposes, it is recommended that the screen of the microphone be cleaned once per month when used on a regular basis. For hygienic purposes, when used by multiple people, cleaning is recommended more often, possibly even nightly.

  • The JBL Wireless Microphone set allows 2 x wireless microphones* to be connected to any PartyBox model ** through the use of a dongle connected to the Mic input. Additionally, a 3rd wired microphone - like the JBL PBM100 Wired Microphone, can also be connected to the switchable Guitar/Mic 2 input (only available on some PartyBox models). This will also work when using the non-switchable Guitar input on other Partybox models - however, this will bypass the karaoke effects including echo for the connected microphone and would generally have a slightly different sound character/timbre to a microphone connected to the Microphone input.

    *This includes the PartyBox On-The-Go, a maximum of 2 wireless microphones can be connected and used simultaneously. The standard bundled PartyBox On-The-Go microphone can only be connected to the PartyBox On-The-Go that it came bundled with, it also cannot connect wirelessly to any other PartyBox models or portable speakers other than the PartyBox On-The-Go that it came bundled with. Only one standard, bundled PartyBox On-The-Go wireless microphone can be connected at a time, unless the JBL Wireless Microphone is purchased (sold separately), a spare part will only work as a replacement, not simultaneously.

    PartyBox ModelMic ArrangementPorts UsedMAX
    ** Encore1 Wireless (pre-paired, included) OR 2 Wireless (sold separately, second microphone needs to be manually paired as described in Owner's Manual)N/A - Wireless (pre-paired, no Wired Microphone port)2
    100/110/Encore Essential1 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    2001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    3001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    120/310/310 MC*/320/710/Ultimate1 Wired AND 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port AND Mic/Guitar Port3
    10001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    On-The-Go/On-The-Go Essential1 Wired AND 1 Wireless (pre-paired, included)

    2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)
    Mic Port AND N/A - Wireless (pre-paired)
    Mic Port (pre-paired microphone will not work simultaneously when dongle used)

    * Partybox 310 MC - is a standard Partybox 310, which comes bundled with 1 x Wired Microphone (PBM100).

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