JBL Wireless Microphone Set

JBL Wireless Microphone Set

Trådløst system med to mikrofoner

Getting started with your JBL Wireless Microphone Set

Getting started with your JBL Wireless Microphone Set

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Afstand mellem sender og modtager
>10 m
Polært mønster
65 Hz – 15 kHz
Signal til støj-forhold (S/N)
60 dBA
470 - 960 MHz (afhænger af SKU) (EU 657 - 662 MHz)
0,5 %, typisk
100 dB A-vægtet, typisk
Sender, transmissionseffekt
< 10 mW, typisk
Modtager, input
6,3 mm ubalanceret
Modtager, maksimalt outputniveau
-13 dBV, typisk
Modtager, genopladeligt batteri
Lithium-ion polymer 3,7 WH (svarer til 3,7 V, 1000 mAh)
Modtager, opladningstid
2 timer ved 5 V/1 A
Modtager, batteriets spilletid
Op til 6 timer
Mikrofon, batteri
4 x AA alkalisk (inkluderet)
Mål (B x H x D)
Mikrofon Φ50 x 233 mm, Modtager 70 mm x 80 mm x 20 mm
Mikrofon 235 g, Modtager

Syng med utrolig stemmeklarhed og original JBL pro-lyd

Det er tid til at indtage scenen. JBL's trådløse mikrofonsæt leverer den originale JBL pro-lyd med krystalklare stemmer og detaljering. Syng op til dit bedste, og ram de høje toner uden forvrængning eller forsinkelse. Du skal blot forbinde den trådløse tokanals-modtager til din højttaler og tænde mikrofonerne. Så er du klar til at vise dit talent. Bruger AA-batterier, der er nemme at udskifte, så du kan synge lige til solen står op. Tid til en duet? Du kan høre begge mikrofoner i perfekt harmoni via din højttaler. Bliv klar til rampelyset.

Med den krystalklare lyd i JBL's trådløse mikrofoner undgår du afbrydelser, forsinkelser og forvrængning. Din stemme rammer plet, når den bakkes op af den fantastiske originale JBL pro-lyd.
Du behøver ikke gå solo. Med mindre du ønsker at være centrum for publikums opmærksomhed. Forbind to trådløse mikrofoner, og hør begge stemmer i perfekt harmoni gennem højttaleren med op til seks timers spilletid.
Når du ønsker at blive hørt, vil du i gang med det samme. De trådløse JBL-mikrofoner er superlette at opsætte. Du skal bare tænde modtageren og den trådløse mikrofon, så er du klar.
JBL trådløse mikrofoner leveres med nemt udskiftelige batterier, så du kan rocke hele natten.
De trådløse JBL-mikrofoner kan tilsluttes enhver højttaler med mikrofonindgang, men den optimale oplevelse får du med JBL PartyBox-højttalere med mikrofonindgang.

FAQs &amp; How-Tos

4 results
  • While the Partybox Encore does not have a Microphone Input, it does have an internal receiver for the wireless microphone that comes with the product.


    It is possible to pair one of the microphones from the Partybox Wireless Mic * (sold separately from the Partybox Encore, containing 2 x Wireless Microphones and 1 x Receiver/Dongle for connection with 6.3 mm microphone jack inputs) - however, a maximum of 2 wireless microphones can be connected to the receiver at a time.


    As an alternative, a spare part accessory is available (dependent on stock levels), which includes just 1 x Microphone for Partybox Encore - search for the aforementioned product name or "FG7261JMJ100114" in our online store.


    To connect an additional Wireless Microphone to the Partybox Encore, follow these steps:

    Switch off the Partybox & both microphones.

    Once off, switch on both microphones only, then switch on the Partybox and both microphones should connect to the receiver.

    If not, please try the same instructions as above expect with a Factory Reset (Press and hold the "Play" and "Light" buttons for > 10 seconds) instead of the restart above, then follow the microphone pairing procedure:

    1. Turn off the speaker.

    2. Make sure that the distance between the new wireless microphone and speaker is within 1 meter. Turn on the microphone.

    3. Turn on the speaker. The microphone will pair and connect with the speaker automatically within 3 minutes.


    *Please note that regarding the older version of the JBL Partybox Wireless Mic - the JBL Wireless Microphone Set - the microphones are not compatible with the Partybox Encore whatsoever, as they use UHF instead of 2.4 GHz for communication between the microphones and receiver (and the Partybox Encore does not have a Microphone Input).

  • To successfully connect the JBL Wireless Microphone Set to a Partybox, connect the supplied 6.3mm jack dongle to the Partybox's Microphone Input. Now turn on the dongle and the Partybox. The dongle's Power button light should stay lit, if the light turns off or does not stay lit it is off and needs to be charged with the provided USB cable.*

    Now turn on one or both microphones as required and increase the Mic volume and gain to the desired level. The LED screen will show a channel number 'CH-1', 'CH-2', etc. The channel number is not changeable manually, and may change between power cycles, but all channels will connect automatically to the dongle. If the LED screens do not show a channel number, the batteries in the microphones need to be replaced.

    *Charging the dongle while in use is not recommended and will likely cause unwanted interference.
  • You can connect two of the same Partybox models (e.g. 2 x Partybox 310, or 2 x Partybox 100) together in TWS Mode by pressing and holding the Bluetooth button on both speakers for 5 seconds, or by pressing the dedicated TWS buttons on the rear panels of both speakers on the Partybox 110, 310 and 710. It is possible to pair two different Partybox models together using a wired connection (e.g. 1 x Partybox 310 and 1 x Partybox 100). It is also possible to pair two Partybox different models wirelessly in Party mode, however this is only possible with the newer Partybox models - the Partybox 110, 310 and 710. The Partybox 200 & 300 can be paired in TWS mode as they are the same model apart from the presence of a battery in the Partybox 300. If you connect an instrument or microphone to one Partybox speaker while using TWS, the instrument or microphone connected to one speaker will be reproduced by this speaker alone. You will not hear the instrument or microphone in both speakers. If it is necessary to have instruments reproduced by two or more PartyBox speakers, it is possible to use an RCA or aux cable – connected from the RCA, aux or daisy chain outputs on the speaker that the instrument or microphone is connected to, wired to the RCA, aux or daisy chain input of the secondary speaker. Alternatively a small mixing console can be used - connecting audio sources to this mixer and sending the mixed audio signal to the speakers with a wired connection.
  • The JBL Wireless Microphone set allows 2 x wireless microphones* to be connected to any PartyBox model ** through the use of a dongle connected to the Mic input. Additionally, a 3rd wired microphone - like the JBL PBM100 Wired Microphone, can also be connected to the switchable Guitar/Mic 2 input (only available on some PartyBox models). This will also work when using the non-switchable Guitar input on other Partybox models - however, this will bypass the karaoke effects including echo for the connected microphone and would generally have a slightly different sound character/timbre to a microphone connected to the Microphone input.

    *This includes the PartyBox On-The-Go, a maximum of 2 wireless microphones can be connected and used simultaneously. The standard bundled PartyBox On-The-Go microphone can only be connected to the PartyBox On-The-Go that it came bundled with, it also cannot connect wirelessly to any other PartyBox models or portable speakers other than the PartyBox On-The-Go that it came bundled with. Only one standard, bundled PartyBox On-The-Go wireless microphone can be connected at a time, unless the JBL Wireless Microphone is purchased (sold separately), a spare part will only work as a replacement, not simultaneously.

    PartyBox ModelMic ArrangementPorts UsedMAX
    ** Encore1 Wireless (pre-paired, included) OR 2 Wireless (sold separately, second microphone needs to be manually paired as described in Owner's Manual)N/A - Wireless (pre-paired, no Wired Microphone port)2
    100/110/Encore Essential1 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    2001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    3001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    120/310/310 MC*/320/710/Ultimate1 Wired AND 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port AND Mic/Guitar Port3
    10001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    On-The-Go/On-The-Go Essential1 Wired AND 1 Wireless (pre-paired, included)

    2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)
    Mic Port AND N/A - Wireless (pre-paired)
    Mic Port (pre-paired microphone will not work simultaneously when dongle used)

    * Partybox 310 MC - is a standard Partybox 310, which comes bundled with 1 x Wired Microphone (PBM100).

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