JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix

JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix

Bærbar højttaler, skabt i samarbejde med Martin Garrix

Sold from 2021 until now

Predecessor Product: JBL Flip 5

Getting started with your JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix

Getting started with your JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix

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Udgangseffekt (W)
Dynamisk frekvensområde (Hz)
63 Hz - 20k Hz
Mål (cm)
17.8 x 6.8 x 7.2
Mål (inch)
7 x 2.6 x 2.8
Vægt (kg)
Vægt (lbs)
A2DP 1.3, AVRCP 1.6
2400 MHz - 2483.5 MHz
Bluetooth sender-modulation
Bluetooth sender-effekt
< 10dBm (EIRP)
Ladetid (timer)
Spilletid (timer)
Charging cable
JBL PartyBoost
Genopladeligt batteri

Kraftfuld lyd til ethvert eventyr

JBL har arbejdet tæt sammen med Martin og hans designteam om at skabe en Martin Garrix-udgave af Flip 6 med et eksklusivt mønster, der er meningsfuldt for Martin og hans community. Den nye, iøjnefaldende JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix leverer bærbar, kraftfuld JBL Original Pro Sound med exceptionel klarhed takket være et tovejshøjttalersystem med en optimeret, racerbaneformet enhed, separat diskantenhed og to pumpende basenheder. Stream den perfekte Martin Garrix-playliste for at gøre din oplevelse ekstra mindeværdig. Og med 12 timers batteritid kan du feste, til solen går ned. Brug PartyBoost for at forbinde flere kompatible højttalere. Selv om lyden er stor, er højttaleren nem at bære. Den er tilmed vand- og støvtæt, så du kan tage den med overalt i al slags vejr.

Beatet fortsætter med JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix, der med sit tovejs-højttalersystem er udviklet til at levere høj, krystalklar og kraftfuld lyd. Dens racerbaneformede bashøjttaler leverer exceptionelt lave frekvenser og mellemtone, mens en separat diskanthøjttaler producerer sprøde, klare, høje frekvenser. Flip 6 Martin Garrix har også to optimerede passive radiatorer til dyb bas, som er finjusteret ved hjælp af Harmans avancerede algoritme.
Iøjnefaldende design og kraftfuld lyd. Flip 6 Martin Garrix er skabt sammen med Martin Garrix og skræddersyet med +x-logoet overalt på det iøjnefaldende mønster. Selv om lyden er stor, er højttaleren nem at bære, og du kan stille den både lodret og vandret.
Du skal ikke bekymre dig om småting som at oplade batteriet. JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix giver dig op til 12 timers spilletid på en enkelt opladning.
Til poolen. Til parken. JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix er IP67-vandtæt og støvtæt, så du kan tage din højttaler med overalt.
Med PartyBoost kan du parre to JBL PartyBoost-kompatible højttalere for at få stereolyd. Eller du kan forbinde flere JBL PartyBoost-kompatible højttalere for at sætte ekstra gang i festen.
Maksimer din lydoplevelse med JBL Portable-appen. Få opdateringer og produktsupport direkte fra din telefon. Du kan låse op for funktioner, forstærke din lyd eller justere bassen, så du har total kontrol over din lyd.
Lad op uden bekymringer. JBL Flip 6 Martin Garrix har USB-C-opladningsbeskyttelse. Det betyder, at en påmindelseslyd vil advare dig om at tage stikket ud, hvis stikket registrerer vand, salt eller andre kemikalier.
Du kan trådløst forbinde op til to smartphones eller tablets til højttaleren, så I kan skiftes til at nyde den ægte JBL Original Pro Sound.
JBL har forpligtet sig til en mere bæredygtig og miljøvenlig emballageløsning. Flip 6 Martin Garrix er pakket i en genanvendelig papirbaseret æske. Det gælder også den indvendige bakke. Plastikbøjlen er over 90 % genanvendt, og ydersiden er trykt med sojablæk.

FAQs &amp; How-Tos

11 results
  • You will need to dry the charging port completely before plugging in power for charging.
  • This product does not feature speakerphone or voice assistant functionality as it does not have a microphone.
  • This speaker does not have an Aux Input, so no analog connection is possible.
  • If you encounter issues using the speaker with your phone or tablet, or you want to remove all previous Bluetooth pairings from the speaker, it may be necessary to 'factory reset' the speaker.

    How to reset
    First, remove or forget the speaker from the list of paired Bluetooth devices in the settings of the phone or tablet.
    Then, with the speaker powered on, press and hold the Volume + and Play buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds until the unit turns off.
    The speaker has now been restored to factory default settings. 
  • This product is rated IP67, which is different from IPX7. IP67 protects the product from submersion in 1 meter (3.3 feet) of water for up to 30 minutes. It is also resistant against dust. Dust accumulation around electronics can lead to hardware failure, so the IP67 rating is an extremely beneficial addition to this product. 
  • You cannot download the JBL Portable App on a PC. This app is only available on mobile devices.
  • If you create a Stereo Pair using the JBL Portable App and you come within range of additional PartyBoost compatible speakers while they are ON, the app will find these speakers. This will break the stereo pair and create a mono PartyBoost group that includes all active speakers that are in proximity. This only happens when the JBL Portable App is actively running on the source device, including when it is running in the background, and when these other speakers are ON. To avoid this scenario, make sure the app is completely closed, without running in the background before coming near any additional PartyBoost speakers that happen to be ON.

    NOTE: The Portable App does not need to be running in order to enjoy Stereo sound from two speakers

  • 1. Connect the first Partyboost speaker with your phone and keep music playing (for best results play music on this speaker for more than 20 seconds before proceeding with the next steps).
    2. Press the Partyboost button on the first speaker.
    3. Turn on the second speaker that you want to connect in Partyboost mode.
    4. Now press the Partyboost button on the second speaker.
    5. After a few seconds, both Partyboost speakers should connect and play together.
    It can take a few seconds after music is started before sound will be heard from both speakers.
    This is also the process for connecting more than two speakers in Party mode, simply turn on the other compatible speakers and press the Partyboost buttons. PartyBoostButtonsGroup.png
  • 1. Turn on both speakers.
    2. Connect your device to one of the two speakers via Bluetooth.
    3. Start streaming music to that speaker (for best results play music on this speaker for more than 20 seconds before proceeding with the next steps).
    4. Open the JBL Portable app.
    5. Allow the app to detect the single speaker playing music.
    6. Once detected, press the Connect/Partyboost button on both speakers.
    7. Allow the app to identify both speakers.
    8. Click the Partyboost button, you will see the option for Party or Stereo, select Stereo.

    Please note: Stereo Mode can only be enabled when 2 of the same speaker model are used.
    For example, you will not be able to achieve Stereo Mode with a Flip 5 and Flip 6, only Party Mode.
    Also, it is not possible to pair speaker models with Connect and Connect+ together, or pair to speaker models with Partyboost.

  • The PartyBoost feature is not available when your JBL speaker is connected to a computer via Bluetooth. This is a technical limitation. When connected to a computer, the computer is acting as the primary device. Therefore, the JBL speaker does not have control of re-transmitting the Bluetooth signal to other JBL speakers.

    NOTE: Speakers effected by this are the JBL Flip 5, JBL Flip 6, JBL Charge 5, JBL Pulse 4, JBL Xtreme 3, and JBL Boombox 2, as well as future products featuring the PartyBoost feature.
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