JBL PartyBox On-the-Go Essential

JBL PartyBox On-the-Go Essential

Bærbar festhøjttaler med indbygget lys og trådløs mikrofon

Sold from 2023 until now

Predecessor Product: JBL PartyBox On-The-Go

Getting started with your JBL PartyBox On-the-Go Essential

Getting started with your JBL PartyBox On-the-Go Essential

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Udgangseffekt (W)
Dynamisk frekvensområde (Hz)
50 Hz - 20 kHz (-6dB)
Mål (cm)
49.0 x 24.4 x 22.9
Mål (inch)
19.3 x 9.6 x 9.0
Vægt (kg)
Vægt (lbs)
A2DP V1.3, AVRCP V1.6
2.4 GHz - 2.4835 GHz
Bluetooth sender-modulation
Bluetooth sender-effekt
≤ 10 dBm (EIRP)
Spilletid (timer)
JBL Original Pro Sound
Built-in Microphone
Genopladeligt batteri
Ægte trådløse

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Fra strandfester til festivaler: Med JBL PartyBox On-The-Go Essential kan du både se, høre og mærke rytmen. Skru op for den kraftfulde JBL Pro Sound med hele 100 watt – synkroniseret med et funklende lysshow. Afspil dine yndlingssange via Bluetooth, USB, AUX og TWS (True Wireless Stereo). Grib fat i en ven, og syng sammen i de trådløse JBL-mikrofoner, eller spil med via guitarindgangen. Med flaskeåbner, polstret skulderstrop, genopladeligt batteri og stænksikker beskyttelse (IPX4) er JBL PartyBox On-The-Go Essential alt, du skal bruge, for at få gang i festen – og tage den med dig.

Find rytmen med 100 watt af den fede og kraftfulde JBL Pro Sound. Indendørs eller udendørs leverer JBL PartyBox On-The-Go sprød diskant, ren mellemtone og tung bas. Og med bas-boost kan festen vare hele natten.
Lys festen op med et dynamisk lysshow, der synkroniseres til musikken og imponerer dine gæster. Vælg mellem flere forindstillede mønstre, og lad farverne pulsere til rytmen, mens du fokuserer på musikken.
JBL PartyBox On-The-Go Essential leveres med en trådløs JBL-mikrofon med en rækkevidde på op til 10 meter.
Spil dine yndlingssange trådløst via Bluetooth, grib mikrofonen, og juster bas, diskant og ekko for at få den helt rigtige vokaleffekt.
Til strandfester, pool parties - og våde festivaler. Med stænksikker beskyttelse (IPX4) er din JBL PartyBox On-The-Go Essential i sikkerhed, hvis festen bliver en smule våd.
JBL PartyBox On-The-Go Essential har alt, du behøver for at have det sjovt. Der er endda en flaskeåbner på skulderstroppen, så du kan tanke op, mens du fester natten væk.
Indbygget genopladeligt batteri med op til 6 timers spilletid
100 watt er højt – men du kan spille endnu højere. Forbind op til to kompatible festhøjttalere med ægte trådløs stereo (TWS) Bluetooth-tilslutninger.
Med indbyggede mikrofon- og guitarindgange kan du sætte stikket direkte i højttaleren og synge eller spille med til dine yndlingssange. Eller lave dine egne.
Spil flere af de sange, du elsker. Fra playlister til DJ-mixes. Uanset hvor natten fører dig hen. JBL PartyBox On-The-Go Essential virker med alle enheder, der understøtter Bluetooth, så du får nem adgang til dine foretrukne musiksamlinger og online-tjenester.
Ingen musik via Bluetooth? Intet problem. Du kan lægge dine bedste playlister på et USB-stick og smække det i den indbyggede USB-port for at afspille musik uden at misse et eneste beat.

FAQs & How-Tos

6 results
  • You can use the PartyLight Sticks and the PartyLight Beam with older PartyBox speakers. The built-in sound detection algorithm sync the light with the music from the speaker.

    The light also works if you don't own a PartyBox speaker as a built-in mic with a music detection algorithm automatically finds and syncs to any music device that's playing.

  • Resetting the Partybox to Factory Settings

    1. Press and hold "Play/Pause" and "Volume +" down for > 10 seconds.
    2. The JBL Partybox will power off and back on and is now reset.
  • This model is not supported by the JBL Partybox App.
  • It is possible to pair two of the same model of JBL PartyBox speakers together through TWS (True Wireless Stereo) mode.

    PartyBox On-The-Go*/On-The-Go Essential*/100:
    Connect just the left PartyBox with the chosen device first, with the right PartyBox turned off. The speaker that is connected first will automatically be the left channel. Now turn the right PartyBox on and continue with TWS pairing (detailed below).

    *The PartyBox On-The-Go and PartyBox On-The-Go Essential are compatible with each other in TWS mode.

    PartyBox 200/300/1000:
    A button (L/R) on the rear of the speakers is used to assign the correct channel to the speakers after pairing is made.
    In order to activate TWS mode, press and hold the Bluetooth button on the first speaker until the notification chime sounds, about 5 seconds. Then press and hold the Bluetooth button on the second speaker until the notification chime sounds (as seen below). TWS mode is now activated. To disable TWS, press and hold the Bluetooth button on either speaker, or power off one speaker.
    Partybox 110/310/710/Encore/Essential:
    Press the buttons labelled TWS on both speakers to connect the speakers in TWS mode (pictured in item 2 in the image below, with two speakers on the button).
    TWS can be activated and deactivated remotely in the JBL Partybox app, in addition to assigning the left and right channels to the correct speakers.
    Once the TWS connection is setup, it will be in Stereo mode by default if both speakers are the same model, otherwise the speakers will be in Party mode by default if different Partybox models are used. You can also switch between Stereo and Party mode in the JBL PartyBox app if two of the same Partybox models are used.

    Please note: In order to achieve TWS mode, the speaker must be the same model with the exception of the PartyBox 200 & PartyBox 300, and PartyBox On-The-Go & PartyBox On-The-Go Essential which can be paired together via TWS. You cannot achieve TWS with a PartyBox 1000 and a PartyBox 300. You cannot achieve TWS with a PartyBox 100 and PartyBox 200. However, it is possible to connect a maximum of two of either the JBL PartyBox app compatible models (PartyBox 110, 120, 310, 320, 710, Encore or Encore Essential) together in Party mode - the two speakers then do not need to be the same model, but Stereo mode will not be possible.

  • You can connect two of the same Partybox models (e.g. 2 x Partybox 310, or 2 x Partybox 100) together in TWS Mode by pressing and holding the Bluetooth button on both speakers for 5 seconds, or by pressing the dedicated TWS buttons on the rear panels of both speakers on the Partybox 110, 310 and 710. It is possible to pair two different Partybox models together using a wired connection (e.g. 1 x Partybox 310 and 1 x Partybox 100). It is also possible to pair two Partybox different models wirelessly in Party mode, however this is only possible with the newer Partybox models - the Partybox 110, 310 and 710. The Partybox 200 & 300 can be paired in TWS mode as they are the same model apart from the presence of a battery in the Partybox 300. If you connect an instrument or microphone to one Partybox speaker while using TWS, the instrument or microphone connected to one speaker will be reproduced by this speaker alone. You will not hear the instrument or microphone in both speakers. If it is necessary to have instruments reproduced by two or more PartyBox speakers, it is possible to use an RCA or aux cable – connected from the RCA, aux or daisy chain outputs on the speaker that the instrument or microphone is connected to, wired to the RCA, aux or daisy chain input of the secondary speaker. Alternatively a small mixing console can be used - connecting audio sources to this mixer and sending the mixed audio signal to the speakers with a wired connection.
  • The JBL Wireless Microphone set allows 2 x wireless microphones* to be connected to any PartyBox model ** through the use of a dongle connected to the Mic input. Additionally, a 3rd wired microphone - like the JBL PBM100 Wired Microphone, can also be connected to the switchable Guitar/Mic 2 input (only available on some PartyBox models). This will also work when using the non-switchable Guitar input on other Partybox models - however, this will bypass the karaoke effects including echo for the connected microphone and would generally have a slightly different sound character/timbre to a microphone connected to the Microphone input.

    *This includes the PartyBox On-The-Go, a maximum of 2 wireless microphones can be connected and used simultaneously. The standard bundled PartyBox On-The-Go microphone can only be connected to the PartyBox On-The-Go that it came bundled with, it also cannot connect wirelessly to any other PartyBox models or portable speakers other than the PartyBox On-The-Go that it came bundled with. Only one standard, bundled PartyBox On-The-Go wireless microphone can be connected at a time, unless the JBL Wireless Microphone is purchased (sold separately), a spare part will only work as a replacement, not simultaneously.

    PartyBox ModelMic ArrangementPorts UsedMAX
    ** Encore1 Wireless (pre-paired, included) OR 2 Wireless (sold separately, second microphone needs to be manually paired as described in Owner's Manual)N/A - Wireless (pre-paired, no Wired Microphone port)2
    100/110/Encore Essential1 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    2001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    3001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    120/310/310 MC*/320/710/Ultimate1 Wired AND 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port AND Mic/Guitar Port3
    10001 Wired OR 2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)Mic Port2
    On-The-Go/On-The-Go Essential1 Wired AND 1 Wireless (pre-paired, included)

    2 Wireless (Wireless Microphone Set must be used, sold separately)
    Mic Port AND N/A - Wireless (pre-paired)
    Mic Port (pre-paired microphone will not work simultaneously when dongle used)

    * Partybox 310 MC - is a standard Partybox 310, which comes bundled with 1 x Wired Microphone (PBM100).

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