Harman Kardon Enchant 800

Harman Kardon Enchant 800

Alt-i-én soundbar med 8 kanaler og MultiBeam™ surround-lyd

Getting started with your Harman Kardon Enchant 800

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Maks. lydeffekt
180 W
RMS effekt
90 W
HDMI-videoudgang (med Audio Return Channel)
HDMI HDCP-version
A2DP v1.3/AVRCP v1.5
2402 MHz - 2480 MHz
Bluetooth maks. transmissionseffekt
9 dBm (EIRP)
IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac (2.4G/5G)
"Frekvensområde for 2,4G Wi-Fi-sender
2412 – 2472MHz
(2,4 GHz ISM-bånd, USA 11 kanaler, Europa og andre steder 13 kanaler)"
2,4 G maks. transmissionseffekt
18 dBm (EIRP)
2.4G Wi-Fi-modulation
5 G maks. transmissionseffekt
18 dBm (EIRP)
5G Wi-Fi-modulation
Frekvensområde for 5G Wi-Fi-sender
5,150 - 5,350 GHz, 5,470 - 5,725 GHz, 5,725 - 5,825 GHz
2,4 G trådløs kortbølgefrekvensområde
2402-2478 MHz
2,4 G maksimal kortrækkende trådløs sendereffekt
0 dBm (EIRP)
2,4 G kortrækkende trådløs modulation
33 W
Strømforbrug på standby
<2 W
4.3 kg
Samlet pakkevægt (brutto)
6.1 kg
Soundbarren er beregnet til streaming af musik. En forbruger kan streame Bluetooth-lyd til soundbarren. En forbruger kan forbinde sin soundbar til det lokale Wi-Fi-netværk og streame musik med Google Chromecast. Yderligere fungerer soundbarren sammen med Google Home. Den er designet til at starte op med det samme og afspille musik med et øjebliks varsel. Af samme årsag skal Bluetooth- og Wi-Fi-forbindelserne forblive aktive til alle tider med henblik på at sikre korrekt drift. Soundbarren er i overensstemmelse med EU’s energiregulativer. Soundbarren overgår til (netværksstandby) i følgende situation
76 Hz-20 kHz
1 analog, 1 optisk, Bluetooth, USB, Wi-Fi
Maks. SPL
98 dB SPL
Samlet harmonisk forvrængning (THD)
1 %
0 °C - 45 °C
Indpakningens dimensioner (B x H x D)
940mm x 190mm x 180mm
Mål (B x H x D)
860 x 65 x 125 mm
6 x 2" (50 mm)
Diskanthøjttaler størrelse
2 x 1" (25 mm)

Omgiv dig selv med lyd. I stedet for højttalere.

​​​​Harman Kardon Enchant-seriens soundbars giver dig MultiBeam™; en eksklusiv teknologi, som leverer en utrolig surroundlyd uden ekstra højttalere eller ledninger. Hør dyb bas uden behov for ekstra subwoofer, eller gå efter en overlegen bas med den trådløse Enchant subwoofer, der kan tilvælges. Med indbygget Google Chromecast kan du trådløst afspille musik i høj kvalitet fra mere end 200 streamingtjenester. Med HDMI-forbindelser og den seneste 4K-kompatibilitet er Harman Kardons soundbars i Enchant-serien designet til at udgøre et smukt midtpunkt for alle dine 4K-enheder.

​Få den fulde effekt af surroundlyd - uden behov for ekstra  højttalere og ledninger. Oplev spændingen, når lyden fra tv, musik, spil og film flyver rundt i rummet.
Få dyb bas og en rig, fyldig lyd til din musik, film og spil. Alt dette fra en enkelt soundbar uden ekstra subwoofer.
Afspil nemt og bekvemt din yndlingsmusik i HD-lyd fra mere end 200 onlinetjenester via wi-fi uden afbrydelser.
Kalibrér din soundbar til den bedste surroundlyd - baseret på forholdene i netop dit lokale.
​Brug din Enchant soundbar som det centrale midtpunkt for alle din 4K-enheder takket være HDMI-forbindelser med HDCP 2.2. HDMI ARC forenkler din opsætning med et enkelt kabel til TV’et.
Kontrollér nemt og bekvemt flere lydindstillinger på din soundbar med et tryk på en knap.
Du kan let styre din soundbar med din egen tv-fjernbetjening.
Afspil musik trådløst fra din smartphone eller tablet.

FAQs &amp; How-Tos

14 results
  • HDMI Output

    Both Enchant 800 and Enchant 1300 support these:
    • HDMI 2.0b compliance
    • HDCP 2.2 compliance (Means it supports 4K Blue-Ray Movies or streaming clients with 4K encryption)
    • CEC features (Scroll to see support)

    HDMI Input

    Enchant features only 1 x HDMI input, and Enchant has 3 x HDMI inputs and support this:
    • HDMI 2.0b.
    • HDCP 2.2 for all HDMI input connections (Means it supports 4K Blue-Ray Movies or streaming clients with 4K encryption)
    • 4K Pass-through.

    CEC Support

    CEC support only available through your HDMI connection and we are always using standard protocol for our products.
    We support these:
    • System Standby: When you press the "Power off" button on your TV remote, the Enchant soundbar will go into Standby mode as well.
    • ARC or called Audio Return Channel: If you would have a TV BOX connected directly to your TV and using ARC from TV to Enchant soundbar, then all sound will be transferred through ARC connection.
      • In case you are not using the HDMI ARC connection then sound coming from the TV show will not be transferred to the Enchant soundbar.
    • System Audio Control: Using your TV remote to turn up or lower the volume will be synchronized with the Enchant soundbar.
    Both models
    Bigger model is the Enchant 1300 and smaller model is the Enchant 800.
  • Connecting a Bluetooth device for your Enchant Soundbar

    1. Make sure your Enchant soundbar is turned on by pressing the power buttonpower buttton
    2. There are two ways to enter Bluetooth pairing mode on your Enchant soundbar.
      1. Press the dedicated source button on top of your Enchant soundbar source
      2. Press the source button until you see "Bluetooth" in the front of the Enchant display. Below is the order when using the source button (note that on Enchant 800 there is only 1 HDMI)
                       selector button
    1. The second option is to use the Remote control included with your Enchant soundbar.
      1. Press the "BT" button on your Remote control.
      2. The display will show "Bluetooth pairing"
                           Remote control
    1. Now that your Enchant soundbar is in pairing mode it is now time to grab your mobile device.
    2. Go to Bluetooth settings.
    BT connection
    1. Press the enable Bluetooth button.
    Enable BT
    1. Select the Enchant soundbar and connect with Bluetooth.
    Bt connected

    You can now stream any music from your favorite device directly to the Enchant soundbar, ENJOY!
  • TV Connection HDMI (ARC)

    1. Connect your HDMI cable (included in the box) to your TV.
    2. Locate your TVs HDMI ARC (Audio Return Channel) port.
    3. Find the HDMI OUT on the back of your Enchant 800 or 1300 Soundbar.
    4. Now enjoy watching TV and listen to great audio through your Enchant soundbar.

    Optical connection
    optical con

    1. Connect your Optical cable (included in the box) to your TV.
    2. Find the Optical OUT connection on your TV.
    3. Locate the Optical IN on the back of your Enchant soundbar.
    4. Enjoy sound through the optical connection.

    Using the HDMI Inputs

    Other devices
    1. Find an HDMI Cable for your other devices.
    2. Use the HDMI inputs on the Enchant Soundbar.
      1. NOTE: Enchant 800 only have one HDMI input port and Enchant 1300 has three HDMI input ports.
    3. Switch source using your Remote control or pressing the source selector buttonspruce.
    4. The display on your Enchant device will show which HDMI input you are on.
    5. Enjoy watching or playing through your Enchant Soundbar.

  • How to pair an Enchant Subwoofer with your Enchant bar

    1. Go to the back of your Enchant soundbar (800 or 1300)
    2. Press the "Subwoofer pairing" button for 2 seconds.
    Subwoofer bar
    1. In front of your Enchant display, it will say "Subwoofer pairing"
    2. Go to the back of your Enchant subwoofer.
    3. Press the "Subwoofer pairing" button.
    SUB - pair
    1. The small LED indicator will start to flash rapidly and when the connection is successful, it will be a steady light.

    You now have more bass performance and can enjoy deeper richer sound!
  • 1. Power on your Enchant 800 or Enchant 1300 Soundbar. 2. There are two ways to enter Bluetooth pairing mode on your Enchant soundbar. 2.1. Press the dedicated source button on top of your Enchant soundbar source 2.2. Press the source button until you see "Bluetooth" in the front of the Enchant display. 3. The second option is to use the Remote control included with your Enchant soundbar. 4. Press the "BT" button on your Remote control. 5. The display will show "Bluetooth pairing". 6. Go to your Bluetooth settings menu on your mobile device. 7. Enable Bluetooth and connect to your Enchant 800 or Enchant 1300 Soundbar.
  • Resetting the device

    top panel
    1. In any source mode, press and hold the power button power and Source button source for 5 seconds.
    2. When the factory settings restore is complete, the soundbar automatically turns off and restarts.
    3. You can now set it up via Google Home app Google Home app again or connect any new Bluetooth devices.
  • 1. Power on the Enchant 800 or Enchant 1300 Soundbar. 2. In any source mode, press the power and source button for 5 seconds. 3. The Enchant 800 or Enchant 1300 will power off automatically and turn on again. 4. Your device is now reset back to default Factory settings. 5. You can now redo the setup through the Google Home app or pair with a new smartphone or tablet.
  • What you need first

    • A Harman/Kardon Enchant Soundbar (1300 or 800 model).
    • Latest version of the Google Home appGoogle Home app
    • A mobile device or tablet with Android or iOS system.
    • An internet connection.
    • Dual-band router with 2.4GHz and 5GHz connection

    Adding your Enchant soundbar to your Wi-Fi

    1. Open the Google Home appGoogle Home app
           Google home
    1. Click on "ADD" to connect your Enchant 800 or Enchant 1300 Soundbar to your Wi-Fi network.
    2. Follow the instructions on screen and enjoy beautiful sound using Chromecast technology.

    Setup your enchant
  • Download the Google Home app, available for iOS and Android versions. 1. Open the Google Home app. 2. Plug in power for your Enchant 800 or Enchant 1300 Soundbar. 3. Enable Bluetooth. 3.1. Enable Location service on your phone and permit Google Home app to view your location (Android only). 4. Click setup device in your Google Home app. 5. Follow the instructions provided in the app, and enjoy Chromecast streaming for your Enchant soundbar!
  • Before you start

    • Remove any interference that might be blocking the Soundbar side-firing speakers.
    • Any ambient noise or sounds that could disrupt the calibration needs to be out of the room.
    • In case you are moving the Enchant Soundbar you will need to calibrate the sound again.
    • If something went wrong, you can always delete the calibration settings by resetting the system.
      • Press and hold Power - button and  Soruce button down for 5 seconds.
      • This will delete all settings, including the Wi-Fi connection.

    How to use the MultiBeam feature

    1. Press and hold the CALIBRATION iconbutton for 3 seconds.
      1. On the Enchant display a timer will start counting down from 3 to 0 (Once hitting 0 the Calibration will begin).
    Remote icon
    1. The calibration takes around 60 seconds before it is complete. While calibrating you will hear some noises coming from the speaker.
    2. When finished the display on the Enchant Soundbar will say "DONE"

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