Reference lightweight omnidirectional lavalier microphone

Aan de slag met uw LC82 MD

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Product Specificaties

Audio frequency bandwidth
20 - 20000 Hz
15 mV/Pa
Signal to Noise
63 dB-A
Electrical impedance
at 1 kH 5000 Ohms
Self noise
31.2 mW
Measurements in working distance (2-3 cm from sound source)
Polar Pattern
7.2 mm (capsule only)
3.6 mm (capsule only)
Net Weight
5.3 g (total including cable)
5 V at 4.5 kOhm
Film / TV
Lavalier Microphone

Go ahead, sweat the small stuff

As one the smallest omnidirectional microphones in the world, the LC82 MD reference lightweight lavalier microphone takes pride in outperforming mics many times its size. With a diameter of only 3mm and length of 6.5mm, it’s ready to take on the biggest stages without making a scene. Ideal for musicals, theater, churches, broadcast and large-format presentations, the LC82 MD also ensures that moisture and makeup won’t dampen a performance. Thanks to its moisture-resistant design, you can run, jump, leap and bound across the stage at full force without worrying about technical complications due to sweat. Available in four colors, the LC82 MD complements every performer.

Ready for extended use
Works with all major wireless systems
For active performances
For interference-free use
To complement every performer

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